September 21, 2024 – Nope. A new site.

What I have decided to do (intentionally or not intentionally) was to create a new site to model for students in EDUC 394. The portfolio platform has changed from EDUC 405. First, for reasons that the learning intentions are different. Second, I am thinking that the portfolio will be more teacher directed rather than student directed. We had our first class on this topic and I realized that the easier I can make this experience, the better. And, leave space for those who want to extend.

Classic teaching. You don’t know, until you know. I also have high expectations for this crew and sadly (or not sadly) I want to do a lot in this sampler course. But, it sounds like much of what people are doing are similar in other classes, so I can step back. There is no need to do “everything.” When I say everything, I mean everything that I would like to do. Sometimes taking it slow has its merit. I’ve been loving my #OneWord2024 of HAPPY, and part of that is to take things slow. 🙂

This week has been a whirlwind and it’s finally slowing down as I am writing this blog post at YVR, the Vancouver Airport. I’m between flights… from Prince Rupert to Vancouver then to Vancouver to Prince George. I have a few hour wait at YVR. My wait started with a big pasta dinner and now with resting at my gate, blogging, and listening to an audiobook. I can take a deep breath. My friend and I presented at School District No. 52 (Prince Rupert) for the district’s implementation day.

We presented on “Un-colonizing Assessment: Shifting Our Practice.” We spent HOURS planning and prepping for this presentation. We’ve presented together before for FNESC, but it was fun to present on September 20, 2024. My friend invited me to co-present with her. I am so grateful. The experience was a true confidence boost for me but also a rekindling of my love for Assessment. I love talking about assessment, but also helping or encouraging others to change.

Presenting provided a meta-moment for me. Reflecting in-action and on-action are elements of the reflective practitioner by Schön and I was reflecting during the presentation and after. Mid-presentation after just talking about recognizing our “unconscious bias” as part of the Professional Standards for BC Educators #9. After sharing my story about the salmon and assessment, my friend give me some feedback and I realized I was caught in my own unconscious bias and I shared that.

Being wholehearted during the presentation in the morning, then being myself in the afternoon with the high school teachers led to a very successful and fulfilling day. A colleague of mine from the university also came out to part of the morning and to the afternoon session to help me out. That worked out splendidly and I appreciated his feedback too. I can see how the world works when I am being authentic and doing what I love. I had a great few days in Prince Rupert and thankful for my EDUC 394 class for being flexible and adaptable. Feeling lucky.