November 11, 2024 – Rudely Reminded
There has been a tonne of things happening this term. Great things!! First, I’m adjusting to teaching and trying doing research (on the side of my desk). LOL. I find that the demands are up and down and lately, I’ve been finding time to get back in a place that is “more mindful, more demure.” I found myself running around and trying to make things happen. Taking it SLOW is not a bad thing.
The irony does not escape me when I just came back from a conference in Kelowna and presenting with a few teacher candidates about educator wellness. Most times, I am modelling what not to do. I tend to work late nights and often unreasonable hours. In return, this work output is complemented with extreme REST. When sleep is a luxury, then one needs to re-evaluate the pace of life.
On October 31, 2024, the purchase of my new home was finalized and I got the call from the surgeon regarding my gallbladder. I have a date. I’ve been waiting for months to get this call and I am learning over time the seriousness of my condition. Admittedly, it’s a condition that has developed over time that I created for myself. The horror knowing how I’ve lived my life, negatively impacted me.
Anyway, the gallbladder attacks are extremely painful and will only get worse over time. I remember chatting with the surgeon in the spring and he wondered why I did not get the operation earlier (after hearing my story). The truth is, I was not taking care of myself. My health and wellness was not a priority. What a horrible thing to say, but I put everyone else’s needs and wants before mine.
A long story made short, my health was in question more than 5-years ago. I never paid attention to these physical signs of “un-wellness” until someone brings it to your attention. It started with one dental hygienist refusing to serve me due to my blood pressure, to getting my wisdom teeth removed, to getting blood pressure pills, to getting gallbladder attacks that put me in the hospital.
This blog post might be perceived as TMI, but it’s something that myself as an educator should not be ashamed or afraid to speak of (or blog about). We need to talk about our health and wellness. Seek help, when needed. The goal is to learn from these experiences. Sadly, we are creatures of habit and denial can be easily ignored. This weekend, I had another gall badder attack. It was bad.
I am so grateful that my surgery date is coming soon. This last attack entailed three stones (in sequence) that tried to pass. It was 9-hours of hoping that the pain will cease. Something that started as something that was similar heartburn to something that is so painful that you can’t do anything about it and resist the notion of going to the hospital because it’s easier to suffer in silence… is sad.
In such pain, I was unable to do work. Nothing mattered. I feel better now, but I have taken the time to recover. That took about a day and I’m just getting back into things (one step or task at a time). I’m not 100% yet but I am being gentle and kind to myself. I need to. I’m just getting back into things, like work, one step or task at a time. Time and effort must be spent on one’s health and wellness.
Post operation, I have to eat well and exercise. Again, the solutions are known and easily ignored. Part of being “happy” (my #oneword2024), is not just mental and spiritual wellness, but also the physical. I took my health for granted and now that I am getting older and experiencing symptoms (of which I’ve ignored before my gall bladder attack), I am rudely reminded of what’s really important.
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