August 31, 2024 – Do what you love.

I am savouring the last days of the summer and my first non-teaching term. I spent parts of the spring/summer term attending conferences, travelling to meetings, and presenting at conferences. I’ve done other things like visit friends, rest, and did some writing as well. Slowly but surely, I’m taking things off the “things to do” list but I feel very satisfied with my progress. I have lots to learn about what it means to be an academic/scholar, but I what I am appreciating is the learning.

I have connected with so many people this term such that I have involved myself in a few new research projects that get me very excited. I am also understanding the strengths and limitations of my position, but I am very grateful that I get to do the work that I do. What I am learning is, I am responsible for making my path. I have no one to blame, but I am always curious. If anything, what I notice is feedback and what I do with that feedback is up to me. I cannot control others, but only myself.

What I have learned in the last few months is that I love to travel, connect with people, and present/share ideas at conferences. These things are interrelated. What’s also exciting is, my work can contribute and manifest more of what I love. If I love to travel, meet new people, and present at conferences, I need to create material so that I can do all of those things, meaning read, write, and research. This aha is not mind blowing or profound, but it definitely provides some fuel to my fire.

In the photo is me presenting at the UNBC Teaching and Learning Conference. My students were willing to take photos of me. I am really grateful that they did. They got some good images like this one in the picture above. It was a 7-minute IGNITE or Lightning Talk about one of my classes of which we participated in “in-situ” learning at Harwin Elementary for EDUC 421 (Assessment and Motivation). I spent HOURS on the PowerPoint, what I was going to say, and practicing. I could have spent more time on practicing, but I feel satisfied with my performance. 🙂

The time invested in that presentation showed me that I was very invested in presenting at the conference, I wanted to share my practice with others, and I really enjoyed being in front of people to hone this craft and want to get better. I am 100% convinced that my research program is in the Scholarship of Teaching, and possibly the Scholarship of Discovery (related to teaching and learning). I love taking my work at my own pace and I am beginning to see and feel my rhythm. I will continue to read, write, publish, and apply for grants. Today, it feels good.