Week 156 – March 12, 2023 – Don’t lose sight of what’s good

It’s super interesting continued my pedagogical journey and pandemic reflections on this WordPress site but I am totally appreciating the updated platform and the use of my laptop. These are all good things. I do miss my former WordPress site and it remains active, but I’m not just too sure how much I will add to it now.

This has been an interesting week or so. I’ve been deliberating next steps with my career (and life). I am committed to living authentically and wholeheartedly. I’ve been enjoying my practice in the last two terms with both my undergraduate and graduate classes. I’ve been taking some risks, but also finding more alignment.

Admittedly, I am so grateful to have so many critical friends who are willing to offer their help or opinions to offer me the clarity I need to move forward. For example, I just had a recent conversation with a good friend who suggested that I should put my name in brackets. You’ll notice this change on my website header.

I need that guidance (or scaffolding) as I am learning how to take next steps that are best for myself. I’ve been too much in service to others such that I lost myself and what was important to me. Being 156 weeks into the pandemic, this time to reflect was key to helping me to define what’s important to me and live my dream.

As I sought for some support and guidance from those who I trust and respect, I engaged in a few conversations that has shifted my thinking and insecurities to a place of learning and making decisions that are aligned to my dreams. I have a dream and I am so grateful to those who reminded me of it and to stick to it.

I find myself catching my breath and being ok with these next steps. I am brought to some of my learning from the Human Development self-study. There were a few paragraphs committed to “growth mindset” and “fixed mindset” where it differentiated “learning goals” versus “performance goals.” Oh my… I get it.

Anyway, I will be exploring this thinking further in my next blog reflecting on my self-study and some of the aha’s I’m learning about Human Development. Shifting mindsets is key and it’s has been a bit muddled over the last week and a bit. I have the clarity I sought and I’m not losing sight of my dream. It’s one step at a time.