March 9, 2025 – What are the odds?

The more that I am open to life and embracing the uncertain and unplanned, of which has turned out in ways better than I expected or imagined, I was so grateful to bump into this person. He lives in Prince George and we’ve worked on some student supervision and manuscripts together over the past few years. For me, the last 10-years have been a whirlwind for me and experiencing many life changes and trying to make sense of them, sometimes you just need a person to lean on to get over some of the perceived obstacles life gives you.

Well, this person was one of those people I could lean on. I’m not sure if he had thought he would be that person, but I really needed him to “treat me like a person”… but also provide perspective, share stories, and have space for me. Anyway, I learned a lot from him about statistical analysis (and Spain… LOL), and he sent me a photo on a messenger platform of noodles. I think he was trying to make me jealous. The irony was, I just landed in YVR and was on SkyTrain heading to Vancouver then Metrotown for a “be a person” weekend.

Guess what? My friend was in Burnaby at Metrotown for a business meeting. Huh? A little serendipity? Was it meant to be? YES… it was. It’s so strange because we are often challenged to meet in Prince George because of our schedules and here we are… in the Lower Mainland, no less… at Metrotown. A long story made short, we met for “late hours” at Cactus Club to say hello. We had a lengthy conversation. We chatted for 2.5 hours. Time just flew by. The place was super busy too. I guess it would be. It was Friday night. LOL. 🙂

I just loved how my friend asked me if I was in Vancouver for business or pleasure. I said… PLEASURE. It’s ok to spend some time for yourself. I say that, but it has taken me decades to figure that out. Now that I know and understand the value of rest, sleep, and valuing yourself, I am taking these moments with lots of intention. I have now embedded “be a person day” (aka., Saturdays) to just do what I want to do (that’s not work related), in a guilt-free, happy way. Sometimes it would be doing chores or just doing nothing. It did not matter.

This weekend, I’m in Vancouver to attend an event TONIGHT with Dr. Gabor Maté as a VIP ticket holder, but I also went to my favourite restaurants, got a massage, and went to my aunt’s 83rd birthday party. Furthermore, I’m staying in a hotel. Very bougie. Normally, I would stay at my brother’s but he was not feeling well, so this weekend is really “Christine’s Day” and I’m enjoying it. So, but bump into my friend and to spend some time with him chatting away about anything about life and staying in the present, I could not ask for anything more.