In Toronto, ON for the CSSE Congress 2023 at York University.

Week 3 – June 6, 2023 – So much happened

Welcome back to my weekly blog. I’m a week late and plan to write another one soon after this one. So much has happened since my last blog post and it seems like Tuesdays might be the new day for me to blog and reflect. In my former pandemic reflection blog series, I found myself blogging on Saturdays or Sundays. This pace is a nice change in my way of being, in particular with my blogging and reflections.

What a beautiful picture!!! I just love it. I was on a water taxi on Lake Ontario. It was my first time. I’ve been to Toronto a handful of times but this was the first time I was travelling for work to Congress 2023. This year, the conference was in Toronto at York University. By chance, my brother was also in Toronto for business and I spent the first night visiting with one of my mom’s sisters (aka. my aunt).

I had such a good time hanging out with my twin bro and getting to know my aunt better. It’s difference when I’m not with my family or the child of the bunch. We even had a lunch gathering with some of my cousins, aunt, and uncle. That was fun too. We had a “chicken challenge” between Church’s Chicken and Popeyes. They were distinctively different in taste and texture. Admittedly, I like KFC a bit more.

Thank goodness for my brother. I am learning more about myself in this chapter of my life. It’s clear to me that I am directionless and have no sense of direction. Yes. That means the same thing. Do you see what I mean? LOL. My brother sent me a random text asking me if I’d like him to meet me at the airport. Of course I said yes. I was busy finishing up work and in the middle of practicum. I needed the help.

He met me at the airport and there was NO WAY I was going to find my way out of there without him. Sounds sad. I would have taken the cab. LOL. He also offered to take me to York University via the subway. Yes please!!! Got there. Late. But, it was for the best. I needed to rest. And yes, returning back to residence for a place to stay and save a few dollars was a bit alarming. I was brought back to first year.

I’ve really enjoyed Congress 2023. This was my first CSSE event in person and I felt like it was an opportunity to network, learn new ideas, and present ideas. I presented twice at Congress, once at CATE with a former student in the teacher education program to discuss our ethnic identity and once at OTESSA to share how e-portfolios were implemented in the B.Ed. program redesign at UNBC.

During this conference, I took moments to step out of my comfort zone. First, I presented at this national conference in person. Second, I went to the CATE dinner and took the subway. Luckily, I bumped into a few familiar faces to find my way to the restaurant. Finally, I took the subway again to catch the end of a Blue Jays game. That was super fun. I met some amazing people and learned lots.

As I begin to reflect, I am learning that I’m not alone. I am supported by many people and it’s for me to open the doors (or find the window). I am working at my own pace and I am living my best life. Although I did not mean to speak up during the EDID Town Hall in the way that I did, I feel that it provoked others and ignited or provided voice to marginalized or racialized people that needed to be heard.

A memorable week at Congress 2023, which was in the middle of the 4-week practicum. I am supervising 7 teacher candidates and in the end, no matter how uncertain or muddy the situation was, the teacher candidates were learning a tonne and I am very appreciative of the coaching teachers who supported them. The coaching teachers were so amazing and I am so grateful to work with them.

Again, this new blog series is about gratitude. There are always obstacles but I can overcome. What I am learning is, to believe in myself, to understand what I am doing has purpose and is creating change, and to know that I am able to succeed. I am super happy (overall), I love being with my kid and help her into adulthood, and I am learning. That’s what matters. Sometimes it’s humbling, but I am learning.